the weather have been super terrible lately..and my face is getting the outbrks again! =( *sulks* plus i realise im really starting to age! i can spot some wrinkles already! faints..need to get more collagen products and anti-aging mask!
anyway last friday, 16may08, marks me and my darling boy's 10th mths~ didnt exactly celebrated it.. just met up with him near his workplace and we went down to ECP, Carls Jr for dinner..we ate so much! its the very first time i actually finish a carls jr burger all by myself and could still eat onion rings and crisscuts! and for your info, we ordered a large drink for each of us, large onion rings, large crisscuts and each person 1 burger for ourselves! he ate, Superstar, while i ate the western bacon cheeseburger! lol..probably cuz my appetite is gd and i was feeling happy that day, tts y i could eat so much.. haha`..
didnt do anything over the wkends...all i did was watch my baby boy study and mug for his upcoming training evalution thingy...til i eventually doze off..=p in other words...i spend my wkends slping! ok we did go the ubi car workshop to shop ard with Jenson and Terence on Sat, and went to ShengSiong Supermarket for do some grocery shopping and gotten lots of fruits back to eat on sunday...buts tts about it..=p
as for ytd, Vesak day, baby send me home in the morning after brkfast and i went home to prep and went to Orchard to meet Simin to go shopping! been a long time since i last combed orchard. Went Fareast, Wisma, Taka and after which we head down to Bugis to continue shopping and looked for Linda and Yvonne. Went to Sakae for lunch cum dinner..continued shopping and ended up sitting at MOS burger to chat up and catch up while waiting for Linda to knock off before we all head down to Vogue to look for Yvonne. As there isnt any one there. we had the whole place to ourselves! had a couple of drinks and we all left very early to head home to slp!
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