Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yay! I'm Finally Paid!!

Yay! I'm Finally Paid!!

Yeap yeap~ after months of placing Google Adsense in my blog, i finally accumulated enough clicks to get paid!! Just received my very First PayCheque today! Weeeeeeeeee~

Thanks so all my readers and Google Adsense Ads clickers!~ Cheers to all~

Though the amount aint very much, but im pretty happy and excited bout it! Especially since im not working now and have no other source of income! This totally came as a bonus to me! Weee~ ♥ Moolahs~ This paycheque certainly boosted me to promote my Google Adsense Ads even more vigorously! haa!

So peeps~ Please help out this poor girl by simply clicking on my ads which can be found below my banner and just above my blogpost! you may just find something interesting and useful while clicking as well! So HAPPY CLICKING!! Once again, Thanks so all and Thanks to Google Adsense!! =D

Weeeeeee~ My First PayCheque from Google Inc.!
(Photos had been edited, blurred and distorted to protect my privacy and confidentiality =))

For Google Adsense Click Exchange just drop me a comment here in this post, with ur url! Thanks!
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